What we do

During the three years of the IN-GLOBAL project, the consortium gives administrative support to the regular meetings and activities of the Task Force on Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in the EHEA community and the Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue and assists these Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) structures in their activities.

The project’s main objectives are to improve the circulation of good practices and tools within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), to involve stakeholders and to strengthen global dialogue on higher education policy development and implementation.

Project results

The IN-GLOBAL project shall lead to the improvement of knowledge sharing within the European Higher Education Area and to enhanced Global Policy Dialogue on Higher Education policy and development.

The main project outcomes are:

Supporting the Task Force on Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in the EHEA Community.

To see all the activities, click here.

Supporting the Coordination Group on the Global Policy Dialogue.

To see all the activities, click here.

Translations of the 2020 Rome Communiqué in the languages of the EHEA.

To access them, click here.

Report on the EHEA stakeholders’ perception of the Bologna Process.

To access it, click here.

Report on the international EHEA stakeholders’ perception of the Bologna Process.

To access it, click here.

Report on the EHEA promotion activities of the Bologna Process.

To access it, click here.

Guidelines on the internal and global communication of the EHEA.

To access it, click here.

EHEA toolkit for Bologna events*

*available soon