16 February 2024 v.lucke@cimea.it

Africa-EHEA Dialogue on recognition and quality assurance: successes, challenges and perspectives for cooperation

17-19 January 2024

Recognition and quality assurance
Successes, challenges and perspectives for cooperation

The third Africa-EHEA Dialogue, organised by the Africa-Sub Group of the Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue (CG on GPD) of the BFUG, took place at the University of Barcelona from January 17 to 19, 2024. This hybrid event, supported by the HAQAA Initiative and the IN-GLOBAL project, focused on recognition and quality assurance, delving into successes, challenges, and perspectives for cooperation.

Over the course of three days, experts from Africa and Europe engaged in discussions on recognition and quality assurance. Topics covered included recognition policies, lifelong learning (LLL), micro-credentials, and quality assurance (QA) systems. Various initiatives related to these topics, both at the national and regional levels, were presented. The event also provided a platform for consultations on the draft statement of the Global Policy Forum of the EHEA Ministerial Conference 2024 in Tirana, with valuable input from African colleagues incorporated. Simultaneous interpretation from and to French and English facilitated a rich exchange of ideas.

In the final part of the event, participants explored ways to extend and enhance collaboration and explored possible topics for future dialogue between the regions.

At this link you will find a comprehensive report and some interviews recorded during the event.